Potassium plays an important role in the health of tree nut crops through enhancing photosynthesis, transporting sugars, and activating enzymes that aid in a number of chemical reactions. The majority of the potassium (70-80%) removed from almond orchards is within the hull with the remainder in the shell and kernel. K deficiencies appear on the leaves where the edges and tips will burn and turn upward. The overall growth and renewal of the tree year over year will decrease resulting in yield losses long term. The critical leaf value for almonds established by the University of California is 1.4%.
Utilizing Intrepid Trio® as a K source in almonds orchards offers a key advantage due to its low Chloride content of less than 1-3%. Excess salinity above 1.5 dS/m in almonds can cause a 19% decrease in yield for every 1.0 dS/m increase. The tree is forces to work harder for water when excess salts are in the root system which in turn will reduce growth and vigor even leading to tissue toxicity.